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百个党史微故事26 | 教师党员肖才望为您推荐《敦煌女儿》
发布时间:2021-04-16     作者:   分享到:








The Daughter of Dunhuang


She devoted her whole life to the vast desert. From the Weiming Lake to the Mogao Grottoes, she has preserved the achievements of the past and chartered a course for the future. Half a century of sand and wind, that’s something not everyone can stand. Passionate about preserving the frescoes, she has undertaken a cultural odyssey from youth to old age. Dunhuang is the home of her heart.”



1964 年,樊锦诗(左)在敦煌文物研究所工作



This is the award speech presented to Fan Jinshi by the host Bai Yansong at the award ceremony for the People Who Moved China 2019.



For 57 years, Fan Jinshi has tended the Dunhuang Grottoes as if her life depended on it. She devoted herself to the archaeological research of the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes. She completed the staging of the Grottoes in the Northern Dynasties, the Sui Dynasty, and the early and middle Tang Dynasty. Since the reform and opening up, she has persisted in reform and innovation and has led a team committed to protecting world cultural heritage. Their team actively carried out international exchanges and cooperation and introduced advanced preservation theories to effectively alleviate the contradiction between cultural relic protection and tourism development. They take the lead in drafting special regulations and planning for cultural relic preservation. They have also explored theories and methods for the scientific preservation of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, and major achievements have been made in its protection, inheritance and utilization. Fan is thus hailed as “the daughter of Dunhuang”.



2004 8 月,樊锦诗在莫高窟第 272 窟考察现场



She is a trailblazer and practitioner in effective heritage preservation in China. She has made significant contributions to the permanent preservation and sustainable utilization of the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, a world cultural heritage site.

