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百个党史微故事40 | 教师党员石琳霏为您推荐《刘少奇眼中的“好党员”》
发布时间:2021-04-30     作者:   分享到:








The “Qualified Party Members” by Liu Shaoqi’s Standards



In March 1951, right before the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Liu Shaoqi put forward eight principles for Party members in the report outline of the Party’s first national organization work conference: (1) All the Party members must acknowledge that, as the party of the Chinese working class, the Communist Party of China represents the advanced part of it; (2) The highest ideal and ultimate goal of the CPC is the realization of communism in China... All members must make a firm resolution in fighting for it; (3) A Communist must persist in revolution throughout his entire life; (4) All members’ revolutionary fight must be under the unified leadership of the Party; (5) All Party members must put the common interests of the people, i.e., those of the Party, above those of their own... Whoever selfish and unwilling to sacrifice himself for the people cannot be a Communist; (6) All Party members must be brave and resolute in the revolution. Those who flinch in the face of severe hardships or surrender to enemies cannot be a Communist; (7) All Party members must serve the people and build the bridge between the Party and the people... Those who are unable to do so cannot be Communists; (8) In practicing the principles above, all Party members must work hard to have a better understanding of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Tse-tung Thought, so as to raise revolutionary consciousness.



Through organization and revision, the eight principles were written into The Resolution on Rectifying Primary Party Organizations and became the basic requirements for Party members since the CPC had come to power. The Central Committee later proposed additional “Ten Principles” for the Party members, which became the code of conduct for the Chinese Communists.
