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百个党史微故事53 | 教师党员宋洁为您推荐《叶剑英:经受考验加入党》
发布时间:2021-05-13     作者:   分享到:









Ye Jianying Stood the Test and Joined the Party



Following Sun Yat-sen into the democratic revolution, Ye Jianying successively served as battalion commander of the Marine Corps and chief of staff of the Second Division of the Founding Guangdong Army and so on.





During his tenure at the Huangpu Military Academy, Ye Jianying had been busied himself with reading Marxist-Leninist works, and participated in various activities organized by the Party organization. He formally submitted a request to the Party organization to join the Communist Party of China (CPC).



At that time, some comrades of the Party organization, believing that Ye Jianying was a senior officer of the Kuomintang army and would need to be tested over a long period of time before he could be recruited, rejected his request. Ye Jianying, however, did not lose heart. He still insisted on learning Marxism-Leninism and continued to associate with the Communists in the Huangpu Military Academy.



 After Jiang Jieshi launched the counter-revolutionary coup of 12th April 1927, white terror surrounded the country. Ye Jianying was very indignant at this. After a tense and intense ideological struggle, he made a major choice in life: he published an open telegram to the nation that he opposed Jiang Jieshi.





When Jiang Jieshi learned of the news, he announced that Ye Jianying would be permanently expelled from the Kuomintang army. Reactionary forces in Ji’an also targeted Ye Jianying and forced him to leave Ji’an.



Ye Jianying left Ji’an and was always on the move until he arrived in Wuhan. In Wuhan, he met repeatedly with Li Shi’an, an old friend from Mei County, Guangdong Province. Li was a member of the CPC and the director secretary of Wuhan Public Security Bureau. Ye discussed with Li his views on the current situation, confided in Li his frustrations and once again put forward his request to join the CPC.



Li Shi’an then secretly met with Zhou Enlai, and reported to Zhou the situation of Ye Jianying. In early July 1927, with the approval of Zhou Enlai, the CPC Central Committee approved Ye Jianying as a full member of the CPC.



Ye Jianying grew from a revolutionary democrat to a communist soldier. This transformation was a firm choice made after he had experienced difficult twists and turns, and withstood the baptism of blood and fire and test.
